Charley Pride (Singer) was born on March 18, 1934. Get more info like birth place, age, birth sign & More
Name | :Charley Pride |
Profession | :Singer |
Birthday | :March 18, 1934 |
Age | : 90 |
Birth Place | :Quitman , Mississippi |
Nationality | :American |
Country | :United States |
Birth Sign | :Pisces |
Height | :in centimeters - 185 cm, in meters - 1.85 m, in Feet Inches - 6’ 1” |
Weight | : in Kilograms- 80 kg, in Pounds- 176.37 lbs |
Charley Pride was born on March 18, 1934 in Quitman , Mississippi in United States. Charley Pride born with Pisces birth sign. Charley Pride is an American Singer.
Charley Pridehas celebrated the total number of 85 birthdays till date. Charley Pride is 185 cm tall. Charley Pride weight is 80 kg.