Mario Lemieux (Ice Hockey Player) was born on October 05, 1965. Get more info like birth place, age, birth sign & More
Name | :Mario Lemieux |
Profession | :Ice Hockey Player |
Birthday | :October 05, 1965 |
Age | : 59 |
Birth Place | :Montreal , Quebec |
Nationality | :Canadian |
Country | :Canada |
Birth Sign | :Libra |
Height | :in centimeters - 193 cm, in meters - 1.93 m, in Feet Inches - 6’ 4” |
Weight | : in Kilograms- 100 kg, in Pounds- 220.46 lbs |
Mario Lemieux was born on October 05, 1965 in Montreal , Quebec in Canada. Mario Lemieux born with Libra birth sign. Mario Lemieux is an Canadian Ice Hockey Player.
Mario Lemieuxhas celebrated the total number of 53 birthdays till date. Mario Lemieux is 193 cm tall. Mario Lemieux weight is 100 kg.