Harbhajan Singh Rissam (Cardiologist) was born on August 10, 1951. Get more info like birth place, age, birth sign & More
Name | :Harbhajan Singh Rissam |
Profession | :Cardiologist |
Birthday | :August 10, 1951 |
Age | : 73 |
Birth Place | :Jammu , Jammu and Kashmir |
Nationality | :Indian |
Country | :India |
Birth Sign | :Leo |
Height | :- |
Weight | : - |
Harbhajan Singh Rissam was born on August 10, 1951 in Jammu , Jammu and Kashmir in India. Harbhajan Singh Rissam born with Leo birth sign. Harbhajan Singh Rissam is an Indian Cardiologist.
Harbhajan Singh Rissamhas celebrated the total number of 67 birthdays till date.