Clint Black (Singer) was born on February 04, 1962. Get more info like birth place, age, birth sign & More
Name | :Clint Black |
Profession | :Singer |
Birthday | :February 04, 1962 |
Age | : 62 |
Birth Place | :Long Branch , Monmouth , New Jersey |
Nationality | :American |
Country | :United States |
Birth Sign | :Aquarius |
Height | :in centimeters - 175 cm, in meters - 1.75 m, in Feet Inches - 5’ 9” |
Weight | : in Kilograms- 78 kg, in Pounds- 171.96 lbs |
Clint Black was born on February 04, 1962 in Long Branch , Monmouth , New Jersey in United States. Clint Black born with Aquarius birth sign. Clint Black is an American Singer.
Clint Blackhas celebrated the total number of 57 birthdays till date. Clint Black is 175 cm tall. Clint Black weight is 78 kg.