Burt Ward (Television Actor) was born on July 06, 1945. Get more info like birth place, age, birth sign & More
Name | :Burt Ward |
Profession | :Television Actor |
Birthday | :July 06, 1945 |
Age | : 79 |
Birth Place | :Los Angeles , California |
Nationality | :American |
Country | :United States |
Birth Sign | :Cancer |
Height | :in centimeters - 173 cm, in meters - 1.73 m, in Feet Inches - 5’ 8” |
Weight | : - |
Burt Ward was born on July 06, 1945 in Los Angeles , California in United States. Burt Ward born with Cancer birth sign. Burt Ward is an American Television Actor.
Burt Wardhas celebrated the total number of 73 birthdays till date. Burt Ward is 173 cm tall.