Birendra Krishna Bhadra (Playwright) was born on August 04, 1905. Get more info like birth place, age, birth sign & More
Name | :Birendra Krishna Bhadra |
Profession | :Playwright |
Birthday | :August 04, 1905 |
Age | : 119 |
Birth Place | :Ahiritola , Kolkata , West Bengal |
Nationality | :Indian |
Country | :India |
Birth Sign | :Leo |
Height | :- |
Weight | : - |
Birendra Krishna Bhadra was born on August 04, 1905 in Ahiritola , Kolkata , West Bengal in India. Birendra Krishna Bhadra born with Leo birth sign. Birendra Krishna Bhadra is an Indian Playwright.
Birendra Krishna Bhadrahas celebrated the total number of 86 birthdays till date.